Felted Wool Naxi Rug

W: 29.5" D: 29.0" H: 0.25"
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The frontier province of Yunnan is home more than half of China’s ethnic groups, including the Naxi people who perfected the ancient practice of felting wool. Using wool sourced from the region, contemporary textile artists employ the traditional method of agitating wet wool until its fibers become entangled to create this mesmerizing wool felt rug. Using the neutral colors found in natural, undyed wool, the artists exploit the dense, matted nature of felt to meld organically shaped concentric circles into textile compositions evocative of Color Field paintings.

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What They're Saying

Elizabeth Krueger | Elizabeth Krueger Design

“PAGODA RED was extremely supportive in helping to pull accessory options together for the Lake Forest Showhouse. After providing them with details and our vision on how we were looking to finish our space, Laurene helped curate options that made it easy for us to edit and finalize. It's also no surprise that the unique pieces we used in our showhouse space were some of the first to sell.”

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